Wednesday, 9 January 2019

Q, JFK & JFK jr., Trump

Wednesday January 9, 2019   18°  12:55 pm

After researching and following various conspiracies have an off thought on some of the combination of truth and lies unfolding before us. Many "breadcrumbs" have been "dropped" by a number of posters speculating on translating Q's coded posts. It has been expressed that this individual or few are close to POTUS photos of inside the Q clearance areas and uncanny hints at events to come in such a clever way, delivering the "Dots" for us to connect.

This being said, most translate these cryptic messages as positive, "trust the POTUS" and other messages of the good guys winning. Now the buzz seems to dig up one of the most famous and still controversial conspiracies of all time, The Assassination of John F. Kennedy. Names of shall we say, characters that are taking stage amidst this term and the year to come, Vincent Fusca and others appearing at rallies of President Trump also being referenced in posts.

On the darker side, this story would not be complete with out the whispers of George H.W. Bush being photographed outside the book repository the day of the assassination though he reported he was not in the CIA at the time. Fast forward to his funeral and the odd passing of notes and the envelopes of doom   thank you Bravo Van Muller.

Accusations aplenty there. We have the death it'self has dire undertones ranging all the way to him having been found of treason and executed. Then the antics that were ever present, who laughs and chit chats at a funeral? Though "Poppy" gave a chuckle when he spoke on the untimely death of JFK and the madman who shot him. We had notes being passed all over the place. It appeared Cheney passing something to Bill Clinton, George W. slipping a note to Michelle Obama. The note or something handed to Laura Bush and then finally Laura showing whatever it was to Jeb Bush whom then took on the appearance of pure horror.

Now remember, my brain does not work like most, so back to the Q and Trump. While I believe Q IS on our side and helping to destroy all the dark and evil goings on in our government. All I have seen would add us as such, however, my thought that scared me was what if all these crumbs about JFK and John John's deaths could even allude to the attempted or actual assassinating of our POTUS, perhaps this is why Q tells us often to "Pray for our President.

Just a rambling thought. Will go more into detail of the high school note passing and what was in those envelopes, and what drained the life out of Jeb and the total resignation of George W.? Should be interesting year, buckle up, it's going to get a whole lot bumpier!

Shout out to Bill Smith for helping decipher


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