Friday, 7 December 2018

December 6 , 2018

Thursday December 6th  25°  11:01 am    Damn cold!  can see the sun but cloudy haze like. (𝆕𝆕Carousel (KXA Remix 𝆕𝆕)

So far so good, Husband was very sweet and gave me $25 for me however I want to spend and has only called once to remind me to call the Disability lawyers. Unfortunately given my age and the fact I have not worked a solid 5 years and thus for my age I do not have enough credits to qualify. In addition to that the other disability is out since hubby makes "too much". So I shall stay with Walgreen's as long as I can. Trouble is the hours, now I can only do max of 25 a week and can't drive at night. Another thing, since I was wrong yesterday, Today I have a 2 pm appointment with Dr. Debbie. Lawyer confirmed I need more credits which are earned by quarters, every thee months.

Can't help but wonder what is so special about Saturday, Dec 8th, But I feel it will be... Something, maybe a final acknowledgement of aliens and a potential invasion. Predictive programming would make perfect sense, think the classic and hilarious MIB. The shadow government slowly releases information once they feel we have become "ready" in their opinion to have stuff leaked or Declassified. Q is warning of this date as well, could we be going to war? All I do know is I will be working 9-5.

11:57 am   29° 

Controversy. Dr. Kevorkian was right human euthanasia just like our pets we love so much. As someone who feels utter depression and great times but I tend to feel not as ME as I should. My mom was close to the end I watched her change before my eyes. She was miserable and suffering, her quality of life was near none. She was in and out of doctors, hospitals and eventually hospice all the time having blood taken, taking 20 pills a day which I feel caused her quicker demise. I felt horribly guilty because on some of her worst nights, being put on oxygen and needing open heart surgery after the new year, where she was near tears over how she felt. She herself would say "Please just take me cause if this is how I have to live I don't want it".

She was just living to see my brother on more time and that was Christmas 2016 when he was going to come here. He did and we had them take a photo while he was here, then less then a month later she passed, where I found her on a Sunday morning. I still cry and miss her badly, Over the summer we went to Florida where I got to finally see a portion of my family which was in July just before my breakdown. It had been over 15 years since seeing them and we are all so much older now. My Aunt & Uncle, Dad's brother and Aunt Joann whom set up my mom and dad. My cousins whom I had been very close to when we all lived in NY, and their children at similar ages to my son. It was bittersweet, I love them all and miss being able to drive to see them now we are very far apart.
Well, going to go get me a mocha and get ready for Dr. appointment.

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