Tuesday, 18 December 2018

December 17-18, 2018

Monday  December 17, 2018   42°  blue skies and sunny. Listening to Edge of Wonder

Got called into work tomorrow & Wednesday so I start at 1 pm till 7 pm am. I may have mentioned this but I always wondered who decides what is in and what things are popular for this year etc.
Again, somewhat predictive programming geared at our children and continues through adulthood. Who controls all we see and hear and much to our complacency and laziness. We are accepting which ever news outlet or programs we agree with, have a narrative that fits their own ideals.

For example, you see billboards and advertisements everywhere and hidden within these personal attacks that we happily allow in our lives unknowingly letting our brains and senses be manipulated from the clothes we wear, music we listen to, and TV / Cinema. We are exposed to an overwhelming amount of these programming tools that make us numbed.So many people are programmed to want the "next big thing". Look what happens on Black Friday, people acting like animals fighting for food, lining up outside in a line overnight just to get the hottest tech the day it hits stores.

Now think about how much time not just we, but our children are plugged in, this generation is addicted to technology. Banks and credit companies have pretty much done away with the magnetic strip replacing it with a small chip, there is even talk about human chipping. We would be virtually at the mercy of those who know how to use these things to track us, access our devices and information. I really get worried when while working I see just how dangerous this card chip can be from a personal perspective. Those who get you chipped bank or credit card can all too easily use your card and not have to sign! No need for a pin number or signature anymore, and they say it is far more secure? What are they smoking and where can I get some.

We are all living a "Truman Show" life. Everything we do or say is captured someway and held in some huge computer data storage facility. People pass comments of feeling like they are in a movie or some similar sensation and in some respects we are. The powers that be, and not the good ones, train us to accept their agendas not ours. WWGOWGA


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