Since November 26 through December 1 2018 we have had the following:
11/26 5.6 in Fiji
11/26 5.5 in Peurto Vallarta, Jalisco Mexico
11/27 5.8 in Monrovia, Liberia
11/27 5.8 in Vanuatu
11/27 5.6 in Bridgetown, Barbados
11/29 5.7 in North Sumatra, Indonesia
11/30 5.7 in Anchorage, AK
11/30 7.0 in Anchorage, AK
12/01 5.2 in Anchorage, AK
12/01 6.3 in Lospalos, Timor-Leste
12/01 5.5 in Navidad, Chili
You can find even more cases of increasing extreme weather Here
Hawaii lost an island!! I have asked various people if they had known that in October of this year one of the remote islands, East Island, home to the Hawaiian Monk Seals. Gone, it ceases to be, all due to a hurricane off the pacific! Why was this not in the news? Or the massive flash floods, landslides, and Tsunamis
They have admitted to "seeding" clouds, the brilliant Dr. Michio Kaku has often commented on the abilities that can be used in Geo-engineering. Sulphur Dioxide, and God knows what else is being shot into clouds to either cause or prevent various weather situations. They have managed to weaponize the weather. And what the hell is this?!
There is a super volcano (1 of 20) around the world that is more than 40,000 years over due to erupt under Yellowstone National Park. On Sept. 15, The Ear Spring geyser erupted in its most violent display since 1957. Sprays of steaming water leapt up to 30 feet (9 meters) in the air, Spewing chunks of rock and dirt as well as decades of human made debris.
The strange "skyquakes" and other sounds that are happening all around the world in increasing in both severity and frequency. Even causing odd behaviors of birds and animals, check out this video of birds taking over a Walmart parking lot, or these bizarre sounds that are worldwide along with other unusual events.
I will be posting more on these epic events as they continue.
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